Badin Service Fair 2023!

Today our awesome staff member Marcia and our faithful volunteer Lindsay served at the Badin High School service fair. Badin gives their students a chance to use their gifts and contribute to the community through various volunteering and service projects.
So good to see many students wanting to reach out and give back! Small things done with great love CAN change the world…

New Mural in Our Lobby

These group of amazing Badin High School students (now grads) created and painted this beautiful mural for their Servant Leadership Project. Now everyone that walks through our doors will see their beautiful artwork. Thank you Elaina Jackson, Logan Hage, Sam Schutter, Grace Harris and Paige Long. We are ALL going to miss you and appreciate all of the time you spent with us!❤️

Blessed by our Badin Students!


The last several weeks we have seen and heard so much. Last week we were blessed to have some of our favorite Badin High School tutors make children notes for our meals. Looking at one note, lead to sharing with our staff. We can’t tell you how much we smiled at your riddles, were reminded of God’s Word and how your notes encouraged us! We miss each of you and can’t wait to see you. Thank you for caring! ❤️