September to Remember

Please join us as we celebrate the beginning of the fall 2021 school year at HLWM. Last year presented many challenges for our children but we continue to provide services to our children and families during this unprecedented time. As the school year begins, we want to make our programs the best they can be for our children, staff and community.
During the month of September, please consider helping us achieve that goal by contributing your time or financial contribution and most importantly prayers to begin the school year on the best possible note.

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To the Rescue!

A GIANT THANK YOU to Floyd Wagers from TCG Communications who is now one of our Knights in Shining Armor! We had a critical issue with one of our office computers and thought it would take an hour or so to fix. Well it turned out to be a much larger issue than any of us could of imagined. We want to thank Floyd for sticking with it until the issue was corrected. Continue reading

Donations Appreciated!


Despite it all, the ladies from First United Methodist Church, UMW blessed us! Thank you ladies for collecting items for our children’s summer program and organizing Nancy Pucket. Special thanks to the master mask maker Kathy Conrad who made over 100 masks to help keep our children, parents and staff safe. Your masks CAN’T cover your hearts!!❤️

Blessed by our Badin Students!


The last several weeks we have seen and heard so much. Last week we were blessed to have some of our favorite Badin High School tutors make children notes for our meals. Looking at one note, lead to sharing with our staff. We can’t tell you how much we smiled at your riddles, were reminded of God’s Word and how your notes encouraged us! We miss each of you and can’t wait to see you. Thank you for caring! ❤️

Garden Preparations!

Even though it is chilly outside, Don Hanson is preparing for our children to tend to our gardens soon! He is teaching them to have “green thumbs” and they sure enjoy reaping the harvest. Thank you Mr. Don, we appreciate all that you do for us. When we are able, he could use some extra hands.