Good things Happening at HLWM!

We are thrilled to announce some new opportunities for our children and youth here at HLWM! We received Chromebooks via the City of Hamilton and we were also fortunate to have a friend of our Ministry upgrade the internet in the building to accommodate the new Chromebooks. Funding from U.S. Bank allows for year round technical support that will benefit our children. This has enabled to bring on Nanette Parks.

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Donations Appreciated!


Despite it all, the ladies from First United Methodist Church, UMW blessed us! Thank you ladies for collecting items for our children’s summer program and organizing Nancy Pucket. Special thanks to the master mask maker Kathy Conrad who made over 100 masks to help keep our children, parents and staff safe. Your masks CAN’T cover your hearts!!❤️

Summer Youth Program

Registration for our children and youth summer programs begin tomorrow! Registration forms and guidelines are available in the office from 11-3. Classes are limited and will be following all of the State of Ohio mandated Covid-19 regulations to ensure the safety of our children and staff. ❤️
Las registraciones para el programa del verano de niños comienza mañana de 11-3. Vamos a estar praticando el distanciamento social. Las clases estan limitadas por las reglas de Ohio y el departamento de salud, para la seguridad de los niños y nuestros empleados.❤️
Registration for our children and youth summer programs begin tomorrow! Registration forms and guidelines are available in the office from 11-3. Classes are limited and will be following all of the State of Ohio mandated Covid-19 regulations to ensure the safety of our children and staff. ❤️
Registrations for Children’s Summer program starts tomorrow 11-3. We will be pratizing social distancing. Classes are limited by Ohio rules and health department for the safety of children and our employees. ❤️

Blessed by our Badin Students!


The last several weeks we have seen and heard so much. Last week we were blessed to have some of our favorite Badin High School tutors make children notes for our meals. Looking at one note, lead to sharing with our staff. We can’t tell you how much we smiled at your riddles, were reminded of God’s Word and how your notes encouraged us! We miss each of you and can’t wait to see you. Thank you for caring! ❤️

Garden Preparations!

Even though it is chilly outside, Don Hanson is preparing for our children to tend to our gardens soon! He is teaching them to have “green thumbs” and they sure enjoy reaping the harvest. Thank you Mr. Don, we appreciate all that you do for us. When we are able, he could use some extra hands.